We Invite You To the Wedding of
We are getting married!
Why do we choose partners so different from ourselves? It's not fate or chance or cliches like, "the heart wants what the heart wants".
We choose our partners because they represent the unfinished business from our childhood. And we choose them because they manifest the qualities we wish we had.
In doing so, in choosing such a challenging partner and working to give them what they need, we chart a course for our own growth.
-Jay Pritchett
In the bustling heart of a big city, amidst the chaos of modern life, lived Adi and Aqila.
They found themselves drawn to the same digital realm where they discovered a shared perspective on life and love; a simple, stable, and deeply fulfilling concept.
And as they stepped out of the virtual world and into each other's lives, they knew that they had come across something rare and precious—a love that was meant to last a lifetime.
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If you are planning to attend, please fill out the reservation form below.
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For being a big part of our journey and see you at the wedding!